I've also considered burning it but it's in a corner with fence and shed so that would be a bad idea. What about boiling water, will that work better? Mind you I would need to find a way to bulk boil water to cover such an area but I could probably just make a small camp fire and rig something up with some copper pipe and the hose. Vegetation Roots from nearby trees, or plants that love water can damage a leach field by intruding into it and causing damage to the lines. Will this work? Or will stuff still be able to grow even under a tarp? I'd have to take a pic if you need to see what kind of plant it is, but really I'm just looking for a general way to kill off everything, without compromising the soil. Be careful to keep the flame away from the hose that connects the propane. per hour) along the area you want to flame. If you are weeding rows in a vegetable garden or along a fence line or drainage ditch, walk slowly, about 1 or 2 miles per hour (2 km. I'm thinking of spreading all the cut plants then just weighting it down for the summer and next year in spring I can take it off, rake the soil and put down seeds. Weeds only need a 1/10 second exposure to the flame, so pass the flame slowly over the weed. What would be the best way to completely irradiate vegetation like this? I started by going at it with the hedge trimmer just to cut it all down. Mix together in sprayer (make sure salt is completely dissolved) and spray anywhere you don't want things to grow. I just want to completely irradiate that area so I can put grass seed and grow a fresh lawn. RESERVATION EARTH 8 A mixture of: 1- Gallon cheap white vinegar 1- Cup salt 1- Tbls liquid dishwashing soap.

It's starting to invade in the neighbour's yard too. burning and use of chemicals for killing weeds and insects, heavy grazing. While this may be necessary for the continuance of the species, it is done without regard for the plants, without conscience. They are dug up, cut down, burned, poisoned, mutilated, starved and deprived of water and sunlight for the sole purpose of benefiting humankind. Follow this as a general rule regardless of the species you choose. The slope can increase installation costs by requiring more field lines. Tens of millions of plants are killed by and for human beings every year. They should be planted at least 10 feet from your sewer line. Planting Distance Be mindful of the distance you plant any shrubs or trees. It has this leafy plant that flowers, but lot of other random stuff in it too. It is the growth behavior of the species that ultimately determine the impact these trees will have on your sewer line. I have this "garden" of invasive leafy plants and weeds that is growing out of control and spreading every year.